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Your weekly horoscope for January 19 to 25, 2025, brings passion and drama. The week starts on a more positive note when Mercury in Capricorn connects with Venus in Pisces on January 19. Conversations go smoothly, and people understand one another better. You could also commit to a plan or a lover, or sign a contract. This bodes well for thinking long-term about your desires.
On the same day, January 19, the sun moves into Aquarius. When the sun moves through Aquarius, you might find yourself in a more social mood. This is a beautiful time to focus on your sense of belonging and cultivating community with people you care about. Aquarius is often associated with the collective, so this is a great time to come together and give back through mutual aid or show up for your community. Consider volunteering in ways that are most needed.
You’re feeling sensitive, and old wounds can resurface when Mercury in Capricorn slams into Chiron in Aries on January 21. Words sting and people know exactly which of your buttons to push. This could also offer some insight into your own healing journey and give you an idea about what work you still have ahead of you. The sun in Aquarius meets with Pluto in Aquarius (for the first time in your lifetime!) on January 21, marking the dawn of a new astrological era. Collectively, this can highlight themes of taboo topics, power, control, fears, and even corruption. Emotionally, this can mark a profound moment of self-awareness and empowerment or open your eyes to a situation where you’re given your power away.
There’s a last quarter moon in Scorpio on the same day, January 21, that brings you back to the emotional full moon in Cancer that took place on January 13. This part of the moon phase encourages you to purge emotionally—release and let go. You’re creating space for new opportunities to find you. You’re trying something new and it feels good when Mars retrograde in Cancer mingles with Uranus retrograde in Taurus on January 23. This can also help you come up with new solutions to old issues or problems, too. The energy is inventive and helpful!
On the same day, January 23, Mercury in Capricorn sits across the sky from Mars retrograde in Cancer and Mercury in Cancer will team up with Uranus retrograde in Taurus. The Mercury-Mars retrograde opposition will bring you back to January 13 and January 15, when we had the full moon and the sun was opposite Mars retrograde. Themes, topics, and frustrations from these days resurface as a type of final showdown. People will be more reactive, but this is an opportunity to set a necessary boundary and to stand up for yourself. Fortunately, Mercury and Uranus retrograde help open people’s minds and consider alternative perspectives. Some surprising but welcomed news could also find you today.
The week wraps up with two of the sexiest planets, Venus in Pisces and M
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