If you’re reading this page you are in for great things because here you will learn how to generate passive income. Passive income has great lure lately. It has become a sort of buzz word. In this blog post I want to share on a source of passive income that has been working for me…
Author: Teddy Jones
The Sacred Stubbornness|Tribute to Glen Archer
Sacred What? The Glen Archer Story in a Nutshell The Rev Gene Archer in paying tribute to his brother at a recent JTS chapel session described him as one characterized by a ‘sacred stubbornness’. What he meant by this is that the younger Archer, Glen, was totally committed to the pursuit of excellence. For him…
My reading of the Bible, especially the Old Testament leaves me with the distinct impression that God is passionate about justice. It permeates almost every book of the Old Testament, yet it escapes the attention of so many preachers and teachers. I am extremely delighted to share with you therefore this paper on the subject…
Making The Most of Singleness
I am eagerly anticipating the publication of my friend, Cameka Taylor’s book. She has been a great friend and her story will bless many. I am sharing an article that she wrote here to show a little of what her journey has been, the journey that inspired her upcoming book. MAKING THE MOST OF SINGLENESS…
How to raise tuition funds online
In this post I am super excited to discuss how to raise tuition funds online. I have a hige personal interest in this because I have to find a way to help the ouths of my community fund their college education. Tons of College Students Are Now Crowdfunding Their Tuition On The Internet. Education is…