The question did Paul condone slavery in Philemon is often raised by detractor of the Bible. Here it is addressed as part of my series of messages for the Radio program “The Grace Hour” which comes on RJR94FM every Sunday morning at 7.15 and is produced by the Missionary Church Association in Jamaica. The constraints of…
Centralized Credit Checks are now a reality in Jamaica
Recently I had cause to engage one of my banks in a discussion about a credit arrangement. As the discussion progressed I was somewhat thrown when I was told that in order to proceed with my application I first had to pay J$1800+ for a credit report to be done on me. It was then…
Affiliate Marketing |One of the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise your Business
There’s hardly a business owner alive today who doesn’t already know that advertising is like oxygen to a business. The real issue is that the cost of effective and wide reaching advertising is often prohibitive for small business owners. In the age of widespread INTERNET usage, big data and social media it becomes even more…
5 steps to achieve your goals
5 Steps To Achieve Your Goals Perhaps nowhere else other than New Year’s resolutions do people fail to reach their goals. It is chronic. In that case and in most, if not all other cases a few basic steps can greatly increase the rate at which we achieve our goals. First, these steps are meant…
21 questions to test your financial stability
How stable are you financially. Here is a self assessment tool that will help you determine your level of financial stability Financial stability is of paramount importance because our emotional and psychological well being is closely linked to our financial stability. So take these 21 questions to test your financial stability and write down the…