Virtual learning was already a rapidly growing industry valued in millions and approaching trillions. The pandemic has accelerated that economic worth exponentially! Now more than ever it is important to know how to sell your knowledge. The information in your head is worth potentially massive recurring income. Once you are able to get that information online in the form of a course which persons can access on demand you have placed yourself in the position to earn while you sleep. By the way it has been said unless you find a way to earn while you sleep you will have to work all your life. I believe there is much wisdom and truth in that!
This post is intended to show you exactly how to sell your knowledge. One of the main platforms which persons use to sell an online course is Teachable. Remember the work you do to prepare and upload your course is done once, thereafter you sit back and watch the payments come in as persons enroll in your course. Sites like Teachable handle everything else for you. You can register as a free member but if you are serious about earning from what’s in your head and your expertise, whatever that is you really want to have a pro account. This is now made much easier. Read on.
Teachable’s 14-day free trial is here!
You have knowledge worth sharing and Teachable is offering a 14-day free trail worth trying. On Teachable, you can turn that knowledge into an income stream by launching online courses and coaching products. Let Teachable do the heavy lifting so you can do the rest.
Grow your business easily with help from these platform features:
Seamless payment processing. Offer credit and debit cards or PayPal as payment options with our native payment processing gateways.
Powerful customizations. Modify any aspect of your school—from visual layout to site navigation—with the ability to dig into code for advanced customization.
Third-party integrations. Connect your school to various third-party services, such as Google Analytics, Calendly, ConvertKit, and Mailchimp.
Earning statements. Pull detailed information about your school earnings and payouts.
Student List Segmentation. Reach your customers by sending targeted emails based on enrollment, completion, code redemption, and more.
But don’t take it from me. Here are a few words from others:
We discovered Teachable in 2018 and it made everything so much easier. Before joining Teachable, we did all of our workshops in person. We [had] tried to create courses online but found it too difficult.
–David Beckett, Best 3 Minutes
We joined in June 2019 because we knew offering our services online would help us reach more people and save studio owners money (it can get really costly to fly us out, put us up in hotels, etc). Teachable has been crucial in helping us serve more people and have a greater impact.
–Barry Ennis and Shay Kostabi, Fitness Career Mastery
It’s time to start sharing what you know. You now know how to sell what you know!