It is with immense joy that we wish to announce that we in RENEWED Ministries, Jamaica, have started our series of consultations with young leaders here on “Reforming the Church for the glory of God!
” This is directed towards mobilizing young Christian leaders and those they lead in Jamaica (and later in the other Caribbean islands where we have ministry) to focus on making disciples and doing other ministries outside of the confines of the church building. We are really seeking to replicate how Jesus made disciples and transformed lives through personal relationships by going to where people were. We had a very good meeting on Saturday. Each leader present has been given the task to find others in their parish or communities who will find others to disciple and to share the vision of making disciples as I just described. We hope to be working with persons across denominations and parachurch ministries as the focus is on the Kingdom of God. We are relying supremely on the Holy Spirit to DIRECT and LEAD each one to the kinds of ministries and disciple making outreach HE wants them to be engaged in! We in RENEWED Ministries will NOT be dictating and telling them what to do or where to go to make disciples! What we are doing is mobilizing young Christian leaders and Christian youth in general to fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION and to seek to live out their calling as Jesus would! We are casting this vision and giving support by training persons in discipleship and mentoring principles and helping them in whatever ways we can to fulfill the mission God has given to them!

Please pray for all those called to lead this reformation movement, including those of us who lead RENEWED Ministries, and that thousands of Christian young people will catch the vision of doing disciple making and really living radically like Jesus would. This will not be easy and there will be spiritual attacks. So, PRAY, as the Spirit leads you to pray for us!