Understanding The Times and Knowing What Ought To Be Done

The following is the sermon outline of that which I declared at the North Central District Convention of the Missionary Church Association in Jamaica held at Devon Missionary Church in Devon Manchester on
1 Chron. 12: 32 – understanding the times and knowing what we should do.
The right thing done at the wrong time and the right thing done at the wrong time may still be the right thing but would be less effective.
We need discernment like the sons of Isaachar
Know the situation analysis – church and community disconnected, the church tends to be reactive, not proactive, the church tends to be apathetic, even callous, church seen as irrelevant, the church having misplaced priorities
The Right Thing: Seek and save that which is lost, Reconciliation ministry as given by God to us, centrally focused on disciple making
The Right Time: Spiritual discernment – e.g In acts 16 Paul knew it was the Holy Spirit blocking his desire to preaching Asia but in 1 Thes. 2 he knew it was the devil hindering him from visiting Thessalonians. As we connect with the community we need to spend time in prayer seeking God’s leading on exactly what to do at what time and season.
The Right Way: (From 1 Chron. 12) – United – all tribes. A role for all -army men of various skills, and the women who prepared the food, and the animals that transported the food, All resources made available, Spirit-led devotion to the cause – v. 12 Amasai speaks under the anointing of the spirit and pledges full devotion to David, Utilization of all available weaponry – no longer sitting on the immense and powerful weapons given to us by God- sword of the spirit , not by might not by power but by my spirit, weapons mighty through God to tear down strongholds .
Have you ever read the book of Obadiah? What about Philemon? My book, Let’s Major In The Minors, will help you understand them. Get Your Copy Here.