Now the time for Choosing Baby Names has come! Choosing baby names for your child is almost like choosing his identity. Ever heard about the association of a person’s name with his personality? That’s how our names really work. A name molds a person’s identity like a cookie-cutter. So, better get that best baby name…
Category: Uncategorized
Day 1
Welcome to 30 Days To Greater Self Love. This is a series of master classes facilitated by Coach TJ. Teddy A. Jones is a Life Coach of Jamaica with a global reach.
Dieting By Weight Loss Surgery
The surgery itself is major surgery and not an option that should be taken lightly and without a great deal of thought.
Misplaced Weeping
Greetings world. I want to speak with us today about the manner in which the world’s economy has twisted our values and the epic shift that the Coronavirus pandemic beckons us to embrace. In order to make the case let us engage in a lengthy reading of two passages from the book of Revelation. Verses…
How To Pray In Financial Crisis
The increasing onslaught of the Covid-19 disease and all the matters arising has the world on tenterhooks. There is hardly a facet of life as we know it that has not been impacted. One of the first casualties in times of a pandemic is the economy. Reduced to its lowest common denominator many families and…