Over the last few years I have come to know Pastor Daniel from Kenya. He has a heart for reaching out to his people and lifting up those who have been dealt a debilitating blow by life’s circumstances. He recently shared with me of the work he is doing with young boys over there in…
Category: Uncategorized
How To Earn Bitcoin Daily
I’m sending a quick update on something that has come across my path and looks solidly poised as one for the next few years. Bitcoin is catching on rapidly and I know that those who have bitcoin I’m sure would like to know how to earn bitcoin daily. Coince – Investing has never been so safe…
Exposing The Danger of Greed Today
My attention was grabbed by a story on Loop News today. It immediately called to mind an incident in the life of Jesus which led him to issue a solemn warning to his disciples. The Loop News story is quoted below: “The body of a Jamaican man, who served in the British Navy, is still…
How To Raise Funds Online
Here is an excellent video on how to raise funds online. The video is short but detailed. After you have vieweD the video and you are ready to begin please click HERE TO SIGN UP 5DollarGEM CrowdFunding from OnlineSensor on Vimeo.
The day the cloud saved the day
I am currently reading for the Master of Arts in Public Theology at Jamaica Theological Seminary. I have upcoming seminars that I am writing lessons for. I have a sermon series that I am writing. I have book manuscripts writing and editing. I have priceless pictures and videos of our lil’ Prince Zaken’Asiel. My laptop is…