My reading of the Bible, especially the Old Testament leaves me with the distinct impression that God is passionate about justice. It permeates almost every book of the Old Testament, yet it escapes the attention of so many preachers and teachers. I am extremely delighted to share with you therefore this paper on the subject…
Category: Uncategorized
Making The Most of Singleness
I am eagerly anticipating the publication of my friend, Cameka Taylor’s book. She has been a great friend and her story will bless many. I am sharing an article that she wrote here to show a little of what her journey has been, the journey that inspired her upcoming book. MAKING THE MOST OF SINGLENESS…
How To Market in Facebook Groups Effectively
Facebook is a great place to market your brand, your products or services. Here is a list of over 200 Facebook marketing groups that you can join and share your ads with. Like any other business tool this can be potentially abused. So here are few tips. As your join request is…
Leading with love
Leadership is desired by many, the challenge of leadership different matter. In 3 Joh nwe encounter an Elder, Gaius who is a fine example of what leading with love looks like. Here it is addressed as part of my series of messages for the Radio program “The Grace Hour” which comes on RJR94FM every Sunday morning…
Centralized Credit Checks are now a reality in Jamaica
Recently I had cause to engage one of my banks in a discussion about a credit arrangement. As the discussion progressed I was somewhat thrown when I was told that in order to proceed with my application I first had to pay J$1800+ for a credit report to be done on me. It was then…